Sunday, November 27, 2011

Secrets Chapter 3

Once a strange man broke into a house and stole a baby. The baby burst out a cry.

The mother stared at the baby's crib in horror. Then, she put on her clothes and investigated. She found fur on her balcony.

Then, the morning after that...she found fur in the main corridor. She looked at it.

Then she drove to Cornwall. And, she heard 20 complaints. One of the complaints was "He stole my million dollars!"

Then she drover to London. Then, the mother thought "It has been a minute since Big Ben's minute hand could have moved." It didn't. Big Ben's power had run out!

Then she got a complaint again. It was "My poor baby is gone!" The mother thought "That was my problem!"

Then, she went to the other mother and said "I had that same problem! How about we solve this mystery and get our children back!" "Sounds like a deal to me" the other mother said.

Then, late that night the mother captured the man and got their babies back. The man was a hairy monster.

Secrets Chapter 2

Once a woman was getting some cement, and was putting it in a yard without asking. She was trespassing! She was put behind the bars at jail.

Soon, she tried to get the police to unlock the door. She said "I can pay a fine of $29." The police asked the woman "Where did you get the $29?"

"The bank" the woman answered.

"You stole it!" said the police.

Miss, you get 30 years in jail!

Then, when the clock struck 1:05, she snuck out of jail by getting on the lid of the toilet and climbing out the window.

And guess what? The only choice was to jump. So she jumped and landed on her feet. Then, her friend looked at the newspaper and fainted (because going to jail was a secret).

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Top 10 Favorite Countries

* Denmark
* China
* Egypt
* Peru
* Greenland
* Russia
* Sweden
* Germany
* India
* France

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Secrets Chapter 1

It was a grand day out. A young man was strolling by the shore. Then he spotted a beautiful maiden. With enthusiasm, he asked the maiden "What is your name?"

The maiden said "I will not tell you my name and not where I came from."

The young man walked away confused.

Then the night came. He longed to see the gorgeous maiden again. And in not much longer the sun had risen. Then he heard a beautiful music filling the morning air.

After a nice brunch he went strolling by the shore. Then once again he saw the maiden. At night when he looked out the window he couldn't see her...but in the day, he saw her. So at night, he prepared stuff for the maiden.

He got trinkets, water, and bread...all in a tent for the maiden. Then at 1:00 the maiden found the tent, drank the water, and put on the trinkets. She slept in the tent. At sunrise the young man saw the maiden. She had the tail of a fish.

Soon he married the maiden, and turned out to have fins just like her.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

How Swampy Big Foot Died

It all started when Swampy Bigfoot went to a tree at Mythology Island in Poptropica.

So Swampy Bigfoot pulled out a hamburger in front of a snake. Swampy Bigfoot knew the snake wanted it.

So Swampy Bigfoot wigged it in front of the snake. Up....down....around....


Then...Fart! The snake said "I just tooted a person!"

The End

Monday, November 14, 2011

Water Mammals

Have you ever seen any water mammals? There are a few kinds that I know of. Some of them are a Bottle-nosed Dolphin, and a Kilelr Whale (also called an "Orca" or "Sea Wolf."

Another kind of water mammal is the Tucuxi pronounced "too-koo-she." The Tucuxi is found in Brazil, Peru, Southeast Columbia, and Eastern Ecuador. The Tucuxi mainly eats Red Bellied Parana, and is one of the only fresh water dolphins.

The Bottle-Nosed Dolphin sleeps with one eye open. Hope you had fun reading!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mummies (Not Moms)

The tombs of rich Egyptians were filled with everything they might need in the next world. The Egyptians believed that there was an old kingdom, middle kingdom, and new kingdom.

The rich Egyptians were made into mummies to travel to those kingdoms. They believed that making them into a mummy would stop them from decaying.

Did you know that in each bandage of a mummy there are charms called amulets?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Little Red Monica

Once upon a time there was a chick named Monica. Her "Mummy" was sick. Her name was Sammy. So Monica got grass, weeds, worms, salad, grapes, watermelon, and tomatoes. Then she started walking and met a rooster.

He said he was Morton and wanted the treats. And then, Morton chased Monica. The, Morton vanished.

Monica arrived at Sammy's house. But Sammy was bigger. She had more color. Her wattles and combs were bigger! So she saw it was Morton and...she kicked, scratched, and slapped.

Finally Morton the Big Bad Rooster ran away. Monica waited for Sammy. Monica and Sammy lived happily ever after.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Dummy Diaries: Part 4 - The Silly Idea

One day, a dummy went out to grow a garden. He has been waiting since winter. Then he got out his dollars. Then he also brought some pepperoni, chicken skin, and planted them. He waited 10 days but they just won't grow.

THE END (of this chapter)

My Chickens

I have eight chickens. Their names are Sammy, Suzie, Sunshine, Evie, Karen, Monica, Flappy, and Brianna. Sammy likes to peck. Suzie likes to go to the side of the house and dig. Sunshine likes the sun. Evie is such a broody hen. Karen's ancestors are from Australia. Brianna has lots of stripes. Flappy likes to flap and slap. Moica likes to eat crickets. Lewie was the first mayor of the coop. Morton's ancestors were from Rhode Island. Harold is a black astrelorpe.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Dummy Diaries

Part 1: Whack the sun!

One day, a guy woke up and put on his clothes...and went outside to do dumb sorts of stuff. So, he got a po-go stick and a bat. Then he called the cement man and said "I need you to build a stair case with 100 steps. So it took 200 days to build the stairs.

On the day the stairs were finished he hopped on a po-go stick and jumped up the stairs and got on the top part of the stairs.

But first he got the bat and jumped up the stairs all the way to the top part and aimed the bat 2 feet from the sun and tried to whack it. It took him 10 days to whack the sun. But he didn't.

Part Two: Messin' with the Moon.

Then that night the dummy woke up and ate all his cheese. Then it was all gone. So he found out the moon has cheese.

So, he ordered a jet pack and paid for it. Then he got on and blasted off to outer space. Then, when he got to the moon he got out a knife (he packed one up).

Then cut a piece of cheese from the moon and ate it. He made a face. But he still ate it anyways. So he stayed on the moon for 10 days eatin' delicious or disgusting moon cheese.

Part Three: One Boring Slide

The next day it was raining. So the dummy put on clothes and a jacket. Then he went to his back door. He saw sun and rain at the same time. So, he went back in his house and got his jet pack.

Then went back outside. Then he flied with his jet-pack to the rainbow. Then he tried to get on the rainbow. But first he took off his jet-pack.

Then he tried to slide but he fell on his bottom. He has been doing the same thing for 12 days!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

About Me

My name is Dacia Clare Gumbrecht and I am almost eight. I live in my house with my two sisters Ashlyn and Brylee.

I have 8 chickens named Breanna, Karen, Monica, Flappy, Sammy, Susie, Sunshine, and Evie. I have 5 people in my family.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Parts of a Sego Lily Flower

White petals: They attract pollinators (bee's & butterflies)

Stamen: It makes pollen (it's the male part of the flower)

Pistil: Makes the baby seeds (it's the female part of the flower)

Stem: Bring nutrients from the roots, passes it to the leaf. Then, the leaf passes it to the flower.

A Sego Lily is Utah's state flower

Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Missing Tooth (#5)

Once a girl named Dacia wiggled her tooth. It was so loose. Then she asked her dad if he could pull it out. Dacia had never pulled out a tooth before.

Then her dad tried to yank it out. It didn't move. He pulled it again. It moved but it didn't come out.

Then he did it again, real hard. And guess what? It came out!

Later that day, Dacia and her sisters (Ashlyn and Brylee) had to go to daycare. Daycare was at a woman's house. Her name was Shannon Vester. We call her sister Vester. Then later our mom came.

We told her I lost a tooth. Then we got dinner. It was pizza. Then we played. After that, we went to bed. I was hoping the Tooth-Fairy would come but she didn't.

Then Dacia waited another day. Then finally that night she came. The End.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Karen the Chicks Biggest Adventure

One day a cute chick wake up. "Is it morning already?" she said. Then her other chick sisters that were with her woke up.

It was 8:45. Well, the chick's name was Karen. She jumped on top of the water tank where she drinks from.

Then, she jumped on the edge of the box and jumped off to explore the big house.

She walked across the kitchen floor and jumped up the stairs to her owner's room. Then she tried to jump on the bed but she couldn't.

It was too high for her. She needed something to get on the bed. Then, she found a pile of blocks.

She got a block and put it in place. The blocks made the stairs. She jumped up the stairs made of blocks.

Finally, she got in bed with her owner. The snuggled together. And Karen fell asleep once again.

The end.