Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Marion the Champion Duck

Two ducks were swiftly swimming through a pool when suddenly one crossed a finish line. Those ducks weren't ordinary ducks, those ducks are racing ducks.One of the duck's names was Marion.Marion is the duck that crossed the finish line first!In honor of winning this race,Marion won the Shiny Crown of Shinyness.Marion just barely became the new champion duck!Marion also won two-thousand duck coins.Marion spent all of her coins on food until she ran out of coins.Suddenly, Marion felt herself evolve!Now, she was an amateur duck.Three weeks later,she turned into a supreme duck.Now, Marion had to race the real champion.During the real race, Domo Kuns  distracted Marion from winning.Gladly,Marion became the real,real,real champion.In honor of winning that race with the supreme duck and the Domo Kuns,Marion the supreme duck racer received a big throne room,and the Domo Kuns decided to be Marion's servants.Marion lived in her throne room happily ever after.

                        The End 

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